AutoCAD 2021 is here: discover the latest addition to Autodesk

AutoCAD 2021 has seven tool sets that cater to the design industry

AutoCAD 2021 is Autodesk‘s new software that’s packed with new features, created specifically to improve the way designers work and automate. These seven tools act as innovations that can automate tasks and save you hours of precious time.

With the AutoCAD web and mobile apps included in an AutoCAD subscription, users can access software features on virtually any device. They can also design and work on up-to-date files anywhere!

AutoCAD 2021: The Main Features

The new Design History feature can be a game changer for your workflow. Now, you can obtain and manage a large amount of information throughout the evolution of your designs. You can also use the DWG Compare feature for external references (Xrefs) associated with your drawing.

Google Drive integration

Autocad 2021 boasts a brand new Google Drive integration. Now. anyone can open DWG files stored in Google Drive directly in the AutoCAD web app using their Autodesk ID. AutoCAD subscribers can also edit and save files to Google Drive, allowing customers to work anywhere. Lastly, you can view, edit, and save DWG and Xref files with AutoCAD web and mobile apps using the Autodesk cloud.

Overview of changes with Xref Compare : Autocad 2021

This new addition lets you compare two versions of an Xref and implement changes without leaving the current drawing. You can now use the DWG Compare feature for Xrefs linked to your drawing. If a reference drawing has changed, a notification will automatically appear in AutoCAD. Clicking on the notification will allow you to compare changes in the context of the current drawing.


Improvements to the block palette in Autocad 2021

Stay connected to your project content anytime and anywhere. Insert blocks efficiently from the Libraries tab on the desktop or in the AutoCAD web app. The Blocks palette now allows you to sync recent blocks to a cloud storage location and access them from the web or a desktop.

Improved graphic performance with Autocad 2021

Enjoy smoother and faster real-time functions with multi-core processors in AutoCAD 2021. AutoCAD automatically performs regeneration operations within the 2D pan and zoom functions to ensure a more slick and efficient experience.